Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year!

Last year we started our “choose community” video series, and these started posing a few real day-to-day challenges to us. As the New Year begins I am VERY excited about what can be achieved and how many lives we as a community can touch in real ways.

Yes there will be difficulties like our old nemesis the financial situation. However, no one ever said that making the world a better place is an easy task. It was a wounded Bob Marley playing at a concert promoting peace, only two days after gunmen made an attempt on his life who said, "The people who are trying to make this world worse aren’t taking a day off. How can I?"

What gives me hope is the incredible way in which I feel our community can pull together. Time and time again I have felt so wonderfully blessed when we’ve been able to make superhuman efforts for the benefit of those in need.
Let us keep this momentum and as we move into the exciting possibilities of 2011, I simply wish to remind you of Brett’s words from “here…”

“How are YOU making Jesus available in real ways to those people around you?”

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